Language or Platform: Ruby
module Option
def Option.placezero # create new key pair
fstart # call function
system "gpg --gen-key"
def Option.placeone # list keys
puts "This option lists all public and secret/private keys."
puts "Do you want to list public or secret key? (Type 'p' or 's')"
keytype = gets.chomp
if keytype == "p"
system "gpg --list-keys"
elsif keytype == "s"
system "gpg --list-secret-keys"
puts "You did not choose public or secret."
def Option.placetwo # import and export keys
puts "You can import keys from other people. You can also export keys to give to people."
puts "Do you want to import or export a key? (Type 'i' or 'e')"
impex = gets.chomp
if impex == "i"
puts "Type the path and name of the key you are importing."
impname = gets.chomp
system "gpg --import " + impname
print impname + " imported."
elsif impex == "e"
puts "This option exports the key to a text file."
puts "Do you want to export a public or secret key? (Type 'p' or 's')"
keytype = gets.chomp
if keytype == "p"
puts "Type the path and name of the key your are exporting."
publicname = gets.chomp
puts "Type the name you want to give the secret key file."
keyname = gets.chomp
system "gpg -a --export " + publicname + " > " + keyname + ".txt" # -a is the same as --armor
puts "Done."
elsif keytype == "s"
puts "Type the path and name of the key your are exporting."
secretname = gets.chomp
puts "Type the name you want to give the secret key file."
keyname = gets.chomp
system "gpg -a --export-secret-keys " + secretname + " > " + keyname + ".txt"
puts "Done."
puts "You did not choose public or secret."
puts "You did not choose import or export."
def Option.placethree # delete keys
puts "This option allows you to delete a key."
puts "Do you want to delete a public or secret key? (Type 'p' or 's')"
deletetype = gets.chomp
if deletetype == "p"
puts "Type the name of the actual key your are deleting."
publicdelname = gets.chomp
system "gpg --delete-key " + publicdelname
elsif deletetype == "s"
puts "Type the name of the actual key your are deleting."
secretdelname = gets.chomp
system "gpg --delete-secret-key " + secretdelname
puts "You did not choose public or secret."
def Option.placefour # fingerprint and sign a key
puts "Once a key is imported it should be validated or signed. You do this"
puts "by verifying the key's fingerprint. Then sign the key to cerify\nit is a valid key."
puts "\nDo you want to go ahead and do this? (Type 'y' or 'n')"
signkey = gets.chomp
if signkey == "y"
system "clear" or system "cls"
puts "Type the name of the key you want to fingerprint or sign."
signname = gets.chomp
system "clear" or system "cls"
puts "You will be placed in the GPG menu. Once there, type 'fpr' and press enter."
puts "The key fingerprint will be displayed. You can verify with the\nowner of the key that "\
" the fingerprint is correct."
puts "\nIf the fingerprint is correct, you can type 'sign' to validate the key."
puts "If you have other keys from people that are friends with the owner of this key, you"\
" can type 'check' and verify the key is valid."
puts "When you are finished you can type 'quit' and press enter."
puts "\nRead carefully then press Enter to continue."
system "gpg --edit-key " + signname
elsif signkey == "n"
# do nothing
puts "You did not choose yes or no."
def Option.placefive # trust a key
puts "When importing a key from another location, you may have to configure\nGPG to trust the key."
puts "Otherwise, GPG may prompt you to trust the key each time you use\ndecryption."
puts "\nDo you want to go ahead and trust a key now? (Type 'y' or 'n')"
trustkey = gets.chomp
if trustkey == "y"
puts "Type the name of the key you want to trust."
trustname = gets.chomp
system "clear" or system "cls"
puts "\nYou will be placed in the GPG menu. Once there, type the word 'trust'\nand press enter."
puts "Then select the level of trust you want to give the key."
puts "When you are finished you can type 'quit' and press enter."
puts "\nEnter to Continue"
system "gpg --edit-key " + trustname
elsif trustkey == "n"
# do nothing
puts "You did not choose yes or no."
def Option.placesix # quick encrypt
puts "Type the path and name of the file you want to encrypt."
puts "Example: /home/username/lexan.txt"
quickfile = gets.chomp
puts "Specify the name or recipient who shall be able to decrypt the file."
quickrecipient = gets.chomp
system "gpg --encrypt --recipient " + quickrecipient + " " + quickfile
puts "\n " + quickfile + " encrypted."
puts "\n\nPress Enter to continue."
gets # waits for the user to press enter
def Option.placeseven # encrypt with name
puts "Type the path and name of the file you want to encrypt."
puts "Example: /home/username/lexan.txt"
quickfile = gets.chomp
puts "What do you want to name the encrypted file? You can also specify\nthe directory you want it stored in."
encryptname = gets.chomp
puts "Type the key name or recipient who shall be able to decrypt the file."
quickrecipient = gets.chomp
system "clear" or system "cls"
puts "Do you want to only allow the recipient to decrypt the file or\ndo you want to allow both you and the recipient to decrypt the file?"
puts "(Type 'r' for recipient only or 'b' for both.)"
whodecrypt = gets.chomp
if whodecrypt == "r"
system "gpg -r " + quickrecipient + " --output " + encryptname + " --encrypt " + quickfile
puts "\n " + quickfile + " encrypted as" + encryptname + "."
elsif whodecrypt == "b"
system "clear" or system "cls"
puts "Type your own public key name here."
mykey = gets.chomp
system "gpg -r " + quickrecipient + " --encrypt-to " + mykey + " --output " + encryptname + " --encrypt " + quickfile
puts "\n " + quickfile + " encrypted as " + encryptname + "."
puts "You did not choose r or b."
def Option.placeeight # quick decrypt
puts "Type the path and name of the file you want to decrypt."
puts "Example: /home/username/lexan.pgp"
quickfile = gets.chomp
system "gpg " + quickfile
puts "\n " + quickfile + " decrypted."
puts "\n\nPress Enter to continue."
gets # waits for the user to press enter
def Option.placenine # decrypt with name
puts "Type the path and name of the file you want to decrypt."
puts "Example: /home/username/lexan.gpg"
quickfile = gets.chomp
puts "What do you want to name the decrypted file? You can also specify\nthe directory you want it stored in."
decryptname = gets.chomp
puts "Specify the key name or recipient who shall be able to decrypt the file."
quickrecipient = gets.chomp
system "gpg -r " + quickrecipient + " --output " + decryptname + " --decrypt " + quickfile
puts "\n " + quickfile + " decrypted."
puts "\n\nPress Enter to continue."
gets # waits for the user to press enter
def Option.placeten # terminal decrypt
puts "This option will decrypt and display readable documents to the terminal."
puts "Do you want to do this? (Type 'y' or 'n')"
terminaldisplay = gets.chomp
if terminaldisplay == "y"
puts "Type the path and name of the document file you want to decrypt."
puts "Example: /home/username/lexandoc.pgp"
displayfile = gets.chomp
system "gpg --decrypt " + displayfile
puts "\n\nPress Enter to continue."
gets # waits for the user to press enter
elsif terminaldisplay == "n"
# do nothing
# do nothing
def Option.placeeleven # encrypt file for e-mail and web
puts "This option will encrypt a file to binary format so that the file\ncan be sent through e-mail or published on the web."
puts "Do you want to do this? (Type 'y' or 'n')"
terminaldisplay = gets.chomp
if terminaldisplay == "y"
puts "Type the path and name of the file you want to export."
binaryname = gets.chomp
puts "Specify the key name or recipient who shall be able to decrypt the file."
encrecipient = gets.chomp
system "gpg -r " + encrecipient + " --armor --encrypt " + binaryname
puts "\n\n" + binaryname + ".asc has been created."
puts "Press Enter to continue."
gets # waits for the user to press enter
elsif terminaldisplay == "n"
# do nothing
# do nothing
def Option.placetwelve # create or verify signature file
puts "GPG can create and verify detached signatures or .asc files."
puts "A detatched signature allows your to verify if a file you've\ndownloaded is the one it's creator wants you to have."
puts "This option allows you to create a signature for a file or\nverify a signature for a file."
puts "Do you want to create or verify? (Type 'c' or 'v')"
detsig = gets.chomp
if detsig == "c"
system "clear" or system "cls"
puts "Type the path and name of the file you want to create a\nsignature for."
puts "Example: /home/username/lexan.tar.gz"
create = gets.chomp
system "gpg --armor --detach-sign " + create
puts create + ".asc created."
elsif detsig == "v"
system "clear" or system "cls"
puts "Type the path and name of the signature you want to verify.\nIt will end with .asc"
puts "Example: /home/username/lexan.asc"
asc = gets.chomp
puts "Type the path and name of the the file you want to match the signature to."
puts "Example: /home/username/lexan.tar.gz"
sigfile = gets.chomp
system "gpg --verify " + asc + " " + sigfile
puts "You did not choose create or verify."
def Option.placethirteen # generate a revocation key
puts "After creating a key you should create a revocation certificate."
puts "You can use a revocation certificate when your key is lost or compromised."
puts "This can be done by uploading the revocation certificate to a key server."
puts "Do you want to create a revocation certificate? (Type 'y' or 'n')"
revcert = gets.chomp
if revcert == "y"
system "clear" or system "cls"
puts "Type the name of the key you want to make a revocation certificate for."
certname = gets.chomp
system "gpg --gen-revoke --armor --output=" + certname + "-RevCert.asc " + certname
system "clear" or system "cls"
puts certname + "-RevCert.asc created."
elsif revcert == "n"
# do nothing
puts "You did not choose yes or no."