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SSH with Yubikey Authenticate over SSH using Yubikeys. 05-04-2023
Grab WiFi Credentials via Bluetooth Linux Ducky script used for grabbing WiFi credentials with the Crazyradio PA Bluetooth dongle. 02-28-2023
Windows Event Monitoring List of security related Windows Event IDs that should be monitored. 02-16-2023
plex-deploy.yaml Run Plex server on Kubernetes. 11-07-2021
Packet Squirrel Responder Payload Simply run Responder on the Packet Squirrel. 01-05-2021
Packet Squirrel Nmap Payload Simplified Nmap payload for the Packet Squirrel. 01-05-2021
DigitalOcean to Unraid VM Migrate your DigitalOcean VM to an Unraid VM. 11-04-2020
Check for logged in users - AD PowerShell script that checks if a user is logged into a list of computers. 10-26-2020
Check TLS/SSL Check TLS/SSL expiration date using Python. 10-25-2020
Enable PowerShell Logging Remotely Enable Script Block PowerShell Logging 10-25-2020
Pi-hole with Docker Easily run Pi-hole in Docker 10-25-2020
Splunk Group Policy Dashboard Monitor Group Policy Objects using a Splunk dashboard. 10-25-2020
ESP8266 & OLED RFID Cloner Clone the UID on Mifare RFID Tags. 03-25-2020
Hashcat Docker Build Hashcat Docker container. 03-14-2020
Sign Git Commit with Yubikey Signing your commits with GPG. 02-03-2020
Splunk Timestamp Fix Python script for updating Splunk datetime.xml 12-04-2019
Ansible: Docker Remote API Enable remote API for Docker and set iptables rule 10-08-2019
1_depend.yml Part 1 of Ansible playbook for deploying Kubernetes cluster. 09-29-2019
2_prepare.yml Part 2 of Ansible playbook for deploying Kubernetes cluster. 09-29-2019
3_join.yml Part 3 of Ansible playbook for deploying Kubernetes cluster. 09-29-2019
Build Ghidra Development on Ubuntu 18 Linux Guide on how to install the NSA's tool called Ghidra. 09-23-2019
PowerShell Test-NetConnection on Multiple Servers/Ports Use PowerShell Test-NetConnection to scan list of servers for list of open ports. 05-24-2019
Example: Run Nextcloud on Docker with ARM Processor Docker example command. 05-05-2019
Ansible Playbook for Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 and Winbind Ansible playbook that adds Ubuntu 18.04 Server to Active Directory domain. 04-21-2019
Python File Encryption Script - 357.py Script that allows you to encrypt and decrypt files. 03-02-2019
queenbee.py Honeypot A simple file share honeypot written in Python. 12-18-2018
Winbind Shell Script Script that adds Linux Computer to Active Directory domain using Winbind. 12-09-2018
SSSD Shell Script Script that adds Linux Computer to Active Directory using SSSD. 12-09-2018
Add computer to OU using PowerShell This quick PowerShell script allows you to move list of computers to specified OU in Active Directory 10-16-2018
Server Management Shell (PowerShell) A PowerShell script that allows you to monitor lists of servers and services. 09-26-2018
Krinkov Unix & Linux SSH Firewall Simple SSH firewall for Unix and Linux. Uses tcp wrapper hosts.allow 06-28-2018
How to flash MicroPython onto the ESP32 Quick installation guide for MicroPython on the ESP32. 11-23-2017
Temperature Web Server with OLED Use NodeMcu, DHT sensor, and OLED to create web server. 10-15-2017
Attiny85 Servos with C Control to servos with Attiny85 10-14-2017
Search Expired Accounts in A.D. Find and get details of expired accounts and passwords in Active Directory. 10-11-2017
Query MSSQL Database with Python GUI Query Microsoft SQL database using Python and Tkinter 10-11-2017
Hostname to IP Resolve list of host names to IP using PowerShell 10-11-2017
Uptime and Ping Status with PowerShell This PS script provides Uptime and Pingstatus for list of computers. 10-11-2017
PowerShell Change Service Startup Type Connect to list of computers and change startup type for specified services. 10-11-2017
ADActive Check if person is active or not in Active Directory. 10-11-2017
Python E-mail Banner Displays and updates your recent Outlook E-mail in a banner. 10-11-2017
Servo With Ultrasonic Sensor Control servo with ultrasonic sensor and Arduino. 10-11-2017
Read infrared code with Arduino Read the code emitted from an infrared LED. 10-11-2017
Send infrared signal with IR LED and Arduino Simple program to send IR signals using an Arduino and IR LED. 10-11-2017
gpgopt.rb Module for Lexan 10-09-2017
Lexan - GPG Encryption Manager A command line GPG encryption manager that is written in Ruby. 10-09-2017