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Liquid Persistence PowerShell script that sets up Windows persistence 01-28-2025
SSH with Yubikey Authenticate over SSH using Yubikeys. 05-04-2023
Grab WiFi Credentials via Bluetooth Linux Ducky script used for grabbing WiFi credentials with the Crazyradio PA Bluetooth dongle. 02-28-2023
Deploy Plex Server Run Plex server on Kubernetes. 11-07-2021
Check TLS/SSL Check TLS/SSL expiration date using Python. 10-25-2020
Enable PowerShell Logging Remotely Enable Script Block PowerShell Logging. 10-25-2020
Splunk Group Policy Dashboard Monitor Group Policy Objects using a Splunk dashboard. 10-25-2020
ESP8266 & OLED RFID Cloner Clone the UID on Mifare RFID Tags. 03-25-2020
Hashcat Docker Build Hashcat Docker container. 03-14-2020
Sign Git Commit with Yubikey Signing your commits with GPG. 02-03-2020
Splunk Timestamp Fix Python script for updating Splunk datetime.xml. 12-04-2019
Build Ghidra Development on Ubuntu 18 Linux Guide on how to install the NSA's tool called Ghidra. 09-23-2019
Python File Encryption Script - 357.py Script that allows you to encrypt and decrypt files. 03-02-2019
Queen Bee Honeypot A simple file share honeypot written in Python. 12-18-2018
Server Management Shell (PowerShell) A PowerShell script that allows you to monitor lists of servers and services. 09-26-2018
Temperature Web Server with OLED Use NodeMcu, DHT sensor, and OLED to create web server. 10-15-2017
Attiny85 Servos with C Control to servos with AVR Attiny85 microcontroller. 10-14-2017