This example shows how you can quickly build a Docker container for Hashcat using a minimalized Kali image.
Hashcat Docker
Posted: 03-14-2020
This example shows how you can quickly build a Docker container for Hashcat using a minimalized Kali image.
Language: Bash
First create your Dockerfile:
# Kali Linux base image
FROM kalilinux/kali-rolling
# Update and Install
RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y && apt-get install -y \
hashcat \
# Clone Git repo
RUN git clone /opt/hashcat
# Update ENV
ENV PATH=$PATH:/opt/hashcat
# Set entrypoint and working directory
WORKDIR /kali/
Save and build using the following commands:
docker build -t kali/hashcat .
docker run -dit -v /home/USER/hashcat:/kali kali/hashcat