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PowerShell Change Service Startup Type


Language or Platform: Powershell


# Change Service Startup Type

# Pulls a list of computers or servers from computers.txt
# Searches for Service names in services.txt"

# Under the Select option, you can add MachineName, ServiceName, Status, StartType, etc

$startupType = 'Manual'  # change to Automatic or Manual for changing Startup Type.  This is only used for the Set-Service option.
$serviceList = gc C:\ManageServices\services.txt   # gc is short for Get-Content

get-content C:\ManageServices\computers.txt | % {
ForEach ($service in $serviceList)
	if ($s=get-service -computer $_ -name $service -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
		$s | select MachineName, ServiceName, StartType | Set-Service -computer $_ -StartupType $startupType
                                                        #Comment above if you don't want to change Startup Type
                                                        # and you just want to check status
	else {"The Service called $service is not located on $_"}
