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DigitalOcean to Unraid VM


Copied from https://88plug.com/linux/digitalocean-droplet-to-unraid-vm
This may be handy in the future.

Language or Platform: Markup


# Set a root password, this will be useful to use VNC

# Step 1. Shutdown/Restart droplet into Recovery Mode in DO Control Panel, take note of the temporary root password shown in console.

# Step 2: Then copy the remote disk image of the DigitalOcean droplet to your local machine

ssh root@43.44.X.X "dd if=/dev/vda" | sudo dd of=88plug.raw bs=64k

# Step 3: Convert the .raw file to a compatible .img file for Unraid

qemu-img convert -p -O raw 88plug.raw disk.img

# Step 4: Sync Image file to Unraid

rsync -av --progress -e "ssh -T -c aes128-ctr -o Compression=no -x" disk.img root@tower.local:/mnt/user/domains/88plug/

# Step 5: Create a new VM with the same OS as your DO Droplet.

# For ProxMox use qcow2

    qemu-img convert -p -O raw 88plug.raw disk.qcow2

# Import the disk into the VM configuration

    # qm importdisk <vmid> <disk> <storage>
    qm list
    qm importdisk $VMID disk.qcow2 local-lvm
